Home of the Week: Whiteside Residence

This Highlands, N.C., home is designed to maximize views along the Whiteside mountain ridge, and a linear floor plan ensures breathtaking views from almost every room.

The ridge-top location is exposed to many severe storms and requires a wind speed design of 120 mph along with creative hidden details to protect it from driving rain.

Exterior materials of stone, cedar shingles and slate were selected for their timeless beauty and long-term longevity.

Antique materials such as hand-hewn timbers, antique, heart-pine floors, and river-recovered cypress were utilized to give the home a sense of age and permanence.

Judges commented, “For a mountain house, very well sited; driveway is well done; outdoor room is great; contextual; nice use of materials.”

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Architect/Designer | Mountainworks Design
Builder The Berry Group, LLC
Interior Designer Jackye Lanham
Landscape Architect/Designer | Alex Smith Garden Design
Photography | Rebecca Lethe

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