IBSx is Next Week: What to Expect

IBSx will combine the best of the in-person Builders’ Show with new, interactive online experiences to create a can’t-miss event for the residential construction industry.

Click below for What to Expect at IBSx:

Just like the in-person Builders’ Show, attendees can:

  • Attend virtual Opening Ceremonies, featuring celebrity Mike Rowe
  • Learn all they need to succeed in 2021 at nearly 100 learning opportunities led by industry thought leaders
  • Visit with exhibitors, who will showcase the newest products, host demos, and be available online for live chats
  • Tour the New American Home and New American Remodel, from the comfort of their desks!

IBSx will take place Feb. 9 – 12, 2021 and will remain open through March 31 to ensure attendees can experience everything IBSx has to offer. IBSx attendees will also have access to the KBIS Virtual exhibitors.

Don’t be the only one left out of the IBSx virtual experience! Click here to register now. or view details on what’s included with your Expo or All Access Pass below:

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