The Breckenridge Wellness Village centers around the redevelopment of the North Gondola Lot and North and South Gold Rush Lots in the town of Breckenridge. In designing for the challenge of preserving the town’s standards, culture and sense of community, the aspiration is to introduce innovative opportunities.

Two such innovations include the Gondola Plaza and Wetland Discovery Park designs. Comprising three versatile mixed-use buildings and an array of townhomes, duplexes and workforce housing, the project’s essence strives to harmonize the architectural character of the town with a new aesthetic that is both distinctive and harmonious with its surroundings. The outcome is a combination of tradition and innovation, ultimately elevating Breckenridge as a historically rich town and a contemporary haven for resort enthusiasts.

Through this project, the town of Breckenridge will realize expanded apres-ski offerings in a downtown setting, improved pedestrian connectivity, diverse living opportunities, and more convenient parking options for the town’s core.

Architect/Designer | DTJ Design
Builder | Peak 8 Construction
Developer | BGV Avon
Landscape Architect/Designer | DTJ Design
Photographer | DTJ Design

Judges’ Comments | The housing looks and feels good, targeting luxury buyers in an upscale area but with workforce housing options. The amenity areas are creative as well.