Upcoming Webinar July 15: Applying Multiple Facades to a Single Floor Plan

Join Seth Hart, designer at DTJ Design in Boulder, Colo. for this Wednesday’s webinar: Update Your Elevations: A Live Demo on Applying Multiple Facades to a Single Floor Plan.

This interactive webinar will feature a 3D modeling demonstration to show how you can create multiple unique elevations ranging from traditional to contemporary. Through the live tutorial, you’ll see how altering detailing, materials and patterning can achieve varying levels of style. The result? Multiple elevations applied to a single floor plan, allowing you to offer your clients the variety of options and choices they desire.

Participants in this webinar will:

  • Understand the key elements for a well-composed elevation.
  • Explore material, pattern and price options to be able to differentiate elevations.
  • Learn how to create varying elevations for broad consumer appeal and market flexibility.
  • Identify the varying types of elevations currently in demand by consumers.

Seth brings more than 14 years of architecture and planning experience to the webinar stage. Building on his background out of California’s high-end production housing and resort living industry, he brings a fresh perspective and passion for lifestyle living and modern design. With a focus on integrated design, Seth has lead teams from project visioning through construction. His main areas of focus are in community amenity buildings, multi-family residential, resort housing and single-family detached housing, with additional experience in senior living communities, corporate campuses, retail, and urban infill.

Click here to register.

Registration is open until 3 p.m. ET (12 p.m. PT) on Tuesday, July 14.

Featured image: Ocean Hills at Pacifica San Juan – Altamonte, photo by Chris Mayer Photography.

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