Design Rewind
Design Rewind
BALA at 40: Honoring the First Winners
All homes start with good design. And it touches every facet of home building —...
Design Rewind
2007 BALA Trends
Design Rewind
1994 BALA Design Trends
Trend spotting is a favorite American pastime, especially when it comes to what is put...
Design Rewind
2007 BALA Design Trends
Every year, the BALA judges reflect on the applications and designs that they have poured...
Design Rewind
Home Improvement in the 1990’s
This visual is from the December 16, 1996, edition of Nation’s Building News, NAHB’s official...
Design Rewind
A Builder Checklist, 1999
I’ve been a member of NAHB’s design committee for a few years. This year, as...
Design Rewind
7 Design Lessons from the 1997 BALA Awards
Excerpted from 7 Lessons from BALA, originally published in the January 1998 edition of Professional...
Design Rewind
Design in the 2010s: A Decade of Innovation and Individuality
The 2010s marked a transformative decade for interior design, witnessing the emergence of innovative concepts...