Chim chiminy, Chim chiminy, Chim Chim Cher-ee

In the past, the heart of the home was the fireplace, which provided a place for families to cook and the warmth that kept them comfortable. Although the necessity of a fireplace has diminished over the years, many home owners still find this amenity adds an irreplaceable look and comforting feel to a home.

With the interior installation of a fireplace comes the exterior addition of a chimney. For home builders and designers who must provide this exterior feature to get the interior design element of the fireplace, there are three key chimney guidelines to consider: setting, style and simplicity. Regardless of the chimney’s material, a simple and traditional design with small detailing can go a long way toward beautifying a home. Most importantly, the style of the chimney should mirror that of the house. While chimneys are functional in nature, they cannot be designed as an afterthought.  Because they are the last punctuation mark before a house meets the sky, chimneys must have visual appeal. Here are some pointers to successfully design a chimney that is both functional and fashionable.





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